Saturday, January 28, 2006

CRITiCAL MASS Cop Injury / IDIOT-A-ROD / Warriors Bike Race

photo: fred askew.
it's become weekend of POLICE FEAR,
last night a scooter officer was seriously injured trying to grab a critical mass bicyclist, this turned the rest of the evening into a night of vengeful arrests / police suv's dooring bikes / and other signs of mayhem.

Now today, i am suposed to be heading to IDIOTAROD, its like the alaskan husky dog sled races, but instead of healthy dogs, its drunken human idiots, and instead of sleds, its stolen shopping carts...

sadly,,, i just got word that the police raided the IDIOTAROD organizers' space last night-- so the starting point has been moved to a secret location, ( which i am not idiot enuff to type here)
BUT of course, i fear police will be making arrests throughout the city, probably more vengence again for last night...

POLICE have not been too keen on idiotarod since initially raiding an art space after one of the artists hurt himself making a starter confetti cannon for the race, that resulted in a search of his house, where the police found "maps of tunnel system of new york" and more "bomb making materials", he was promptly facing terrorism charges, and has pleaded down to something that only landed him 90 days in prison... he is currently in RIKERS PRISON

now the GOOD NEWS!!......

the Warriors Bike Movie movie Xris co-directed is screening tonight , FREE!, at Houston St. near Broadway...

An all night, drunken, bike race from the Bronx to Coney Island

See Xris, aka THE LOST VIKING, lost in Bronx, dressed like a VIKING, DOMINATRIXES forcing people to spin the Astor Place cube, and lots of other things that should never had happened! featuring lots of Team Spider music

Team Spider

ps. all screenings of the film have historically sold out, so don't be like me, be on time!

January 28th. 8:00pm at the Time's Up space. 49 East Houston St, NYC

more info http://www.


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